Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to have perfect hair: for goths

Hey guys!
So you want the perfect gothic look? It can't be complete without your hair being a mess and all girly girl. That won't do! Here you go...

The base colour doesn't always have to be black even though that is the most common and my preference. You can use blonde like this chick which I really think is cool! -->
Red is also a good base but may not go with all your outfits.

I suggest you should, if you want, go all the way with adding colour onto the base! Goth is about showing who you are and not caring about what anyone thinks of you. So show off those colours and show them off proudly!
Any colour will do; try to match your personality if you can :3
And going back to the picture on the right; I love how she did her streaks sideways rather than normal. Not a must-have obviously but something you might like to try.
BTW I love what this girl below has done!

So really any hair cut suits the goth look. Again, allow it to reflect your personality. If you are bubbly and fun: piggy tails, if you like to hide: fringe and bangs. Experiment and just take chances. I think dreadlocks look awesome and just make your hair as BIG and awesome as possible!

So that is all for now Dark daughters and sons!!!
Goodbye for now


  1. i like..iv always been interested in this goth culture so am wondering can a dark skinned person be one,am a dark skinned boy age 18

    1. Seriously anyone can be goth. Be warned that clothes cost a lot of money and I have spent most of my wages on them. So I am encouraging you to be goth! We don't have enough out there :P

  2. I would love to get that kind of hair like that blonde girl but with black hair and red tips like its dipped in blood :3 ^^ But my dad wont let me color it -.-

    1. That is an awesome idea! But sucks you couldn't get it. I can't dye my hair too much because of work -_- I'm waiting until I quit the job to dye it like this

  3. Yeh its soo much work, but its so worth it <3 :3
